Yearly Calendar 2011
National Film Center Calendar (April, 2011 – March, 2010)
Cinema 1
Kozaburo Yoshimura Retrospective at his Centenary
April 5 – May 1, 2011
Commemorating the centenary of the birth of the late Kozaburo Yoshimura(1911-2000), who got much attention as a filmmaker of new women’s pictures such as Danryu (1939) or Anjo-ke no butokai (1947) and started an independent production company, Kindai Eiga Kyokai, with Kaneto Sindo after the end of World War II, this program will survey his footsteps as one of the leaders of Japanese movie’s golden age.
The Little Known Japanese Cinema vol.2
―NFC’s Newly Acquired Collection from Major Film Studios
May 3 – 22, 2011
This is the 2nd program of the series that showcases films of newly acquired collection provided under special project expenses for film preservation in supplemental budgets of 2009 fiscal year. The curatorial focus will be given on those films that have become available for film screenings once again thanks to the preservation work NFC has conducted on the original film materials.
EU Film Days 2011
May 27 – June 19, 2011
This is the 9th installment (and the 5th at National Film Center) of “EU Film Days,” the unique series that showcases films from the member nations of the European Union (EU). Films from about 20 countries that have been recently released and/or much talked about will be screened. Japanese audience will be introduced to European societies, cultures, and diverse appeals of European films.
Coorganizers: The Delegation of the European Union to Japan and the Embassies and the cultural institutions of the EU member nations.
Kazuo Mori Retrospective at his Centenary
June 21 – July 17, 2011
Kazuo Mori(1911-1989), known as artisan-director of Daiei Studios, is one of the figures who carried Japanese filmmaking during the heyday of the so-called program picture. This program will examine his own art through showing about 30 films such as surviving early works of Shinko Kinema, Hakuoki (1959), Aru koroshiya (1967).
In Memory of Film Figures We Lost in 2009-2010
July 19 – September 4, 2011
This program is in homage to Japanese cineastes such as directors, actors, actresses and crews, who passed away in the year 2009-2010. The films, which those figures including Umetsugu Inoue, Katsumi Nishikawa, Hideko Takamine, Ryo Ikebe, Takeo Kimura, Yoshiro Muraki woked on, will be shown to acknowledge their achievements.
Silent Film Renaissance 2011
September 13 – 18, 2011
This is an established program that shows quality silent films with live piano accompaniment and the oral explanation of the benshi film narrator. This year’s lineup consists of about 6 films, mainly non-Japanese ones.
The 33rd Pia Film Festival
September 20 – 30, 2011
The 33rd “Pia Film Festival” (and the 3rd at National Film Center) will hold the regular programs such as “PFF Award Competition,” the biggest competition for independent films in the world, and the newest “PFF Scholarship Film” directed by the 31st PFF Award winner and produced by PFF.
Coorganizers: PFF Partners and Unijapan.
Coming Back: The Little Known Japanese Cinema ―NFC’s Newly Acquired Collection from Major Film Studios
Coming Back: Kozaburo Yoshimura Retrospective at his Centenary
October 1 – 28, 2011
Kyoko Kagawa Retrospective
November 8 – December 25, 2011
Since her screen debut in 1949, Kyoko Kagawa(b.1931) became popular due to her fresh charm and natural performance. She is also an actress who enhanced postwar Japanese films along with such masters as Mikio Naruse, Yasujiro Ozu, Kenji Mizoguchi, Akira Kurosawa, Tomu Uchida. This program will trace her career through the NFC Film Collection.
The Little Known Japanese Cinema vol.3
―NFC’s Newly Acquired Collection from Major Film Studios
January 6 – February 5, 2012
This is the 4th program of the series that showcases films of newly acquired collection provided under special project expenses for film preservation in supplemental budgets of 2009 fiscal year. The curatorial focus will be given on those films that have become available for film screenings once again thanks to the preservation work NFC has conducted on the original film materials.
Une petite découverte du cinéma français d’aujourd’hui 2 dans la donation de l’Unifrance
February 7 – March 31, 2012
Since 1993, “Festival du Film Français au Japon” has been held every year. UniFrance, the organizer of the festival, donated to National Film Center many of the Japanese-subtitled prints which were premiered at the festival. This program will screen the selected films from such donations so as to both review the history of the festival and to showcase the charm of contemporary French films.
Cinema 2
Japanese Craft Techniques on Screen:
Documentary Film Series by Agency for Cultural Affairs(provisional title)
November 25, 2011 – January 15, 2012
*Screenings on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays
Commemorating the 40th anniversary of documentary film series by Agency for Cultural Affairs, which has been documenting craft techniques designated as Important Intangible Cultural Property, this program will screen films of that series from the first film Makie, Craft Techniques of Matsuda Gonroku (1971) to the newest one made in 2010.
Coorganizer : Agency for Cultural Affaires
Under the title of "KYOBASHI-ZA", Cinema 2 presents films from the NFC collection several times a year. For the program schedule, please see our website and fliers.
The 40th Anniversary of National Film Center15 Years of NFC’s Cinema Exhibitions: 1995-2010
February 8 – May 15, 2011
Since the inauguration of the new building in 1995, NFC has organized 30 exhibitions in our gallery. This exhibition 15 Years of NFC’s Exhibitions: 1995-2010 is a retrospective of 10 exhibitions among these, which mainly consist of NFC’s own collection. We look back on the 15 years of striving to rediscover the values of non-film materials, by opening again to public our most precious documents and artifacts displayed in each exhibition.
Souvenir Movie Programs of Japan
May 27 – September 4, 2011
For a long time, souvenir movie programs have been familiar with Japanese moviegoers and also the items of their collection. By tracing from the birth of movie programs to their present situations within Japanese culture of movie houses, this exhibition will illuminate our own history as “film audience“ which has exceeded a century.
Kyoko Kagawa, Film Actress
September 13 – December 25, 2011
Since her screen debut in 1949, Kyoko Kagawa(b.1931) became popular due to her fresh charm and natural performance. She is also an actress who enhanced postwar Japanese films along with such masters as Mikio Naruse, Yasujiro Ozu, Kenji Mizoguchi, Akira Kurosawa, Tomu Uchida. This exhibition will trace her career through the reference materials including Kagawa’s own albums and others, which was recently donated by herself.
The Art of Film Posters in Japan
January 7 – March 31, 2012
Under the control of production and distribution companies, Japanese film posters were made anonymously. By going through a history of Japanese film posters, however, a number of artistic ambitions can be found beyond anonymity. Through posters created by various artists such as Kono Takashi, Hisamitsu Noguchi, Kiyoshi Awazu, Tadanori Yokoo, Makoto Wada this exhibition will seek crossover points between movies and graphic arts.
Nihon Eiga: The History of Japanese Film
From the NFC Non-film Collection
Permanent Exhibition [February 8, 2011 -]
Japanese cinema has already had a history of over one century. Targeted towards diverse generations of viewers ranging from elementary school students to adults, this exhibition will survey the history through posters, still photographs, devices and equipments for filmmaking, and the personal items that belonged to noted film personalities, among others
(Captions in Japanese and English)