近世初期に活躍した絵師、岩佐又兵衛による長大な絵巻「山中常盤」全巻を撮影。牛若丸とその母・常盤御前の物語を浄瑠璃で表現しながら、絵巻にこめられた又兵衛の思いやその人物像にも迫る。 2004(自由工房)(監)羽田澄子(撮)若林洋光、宗田喜久松(美)朝倉摂(音)鶴澤清治(出)片岡京子(解)喜多道枝 INTO THE PICTURE SCROLL: THE TALE OF YAMANAKA TOKIWA [YAMANAKA TOKIWA]
Based on the Yamanaka Tokiwa series of elaborate picture scrolls, created by the painter Matabe Iwasa, the film tells the story of Lady Tokiwa and her son, Ushiwaka-maru, with joruri (ballad and samisen) accompaniment. Ushiwaka-maru is one of the most popular heroes who actually existed in Japan. 2004(Jiyu Kobo) Director: Sumiko Haneda / Cinematography: Hiromitsu Wakabayashi, Kikumatsu Soda / Art Design: Setsu Asakura / Music: Seiji Tsurusawa / With: Kyoko Kataoka / Narrator: Michie Kita ■(監)=監督 (原)=原作 (脚)=脚本 (撮)=撮影 (美)=美術 (音)=音楽 (出)=出演 (解)=解説 |