第三次世界大戦後の東アフリカ。自然は破壊し尽くされ植物を育む土壌はもはや存在せず、人類は人工的な居住区で細々と生き延びていた。ある日“生きている土”が存在している可能性に気付いた学芸員のアシャは禁じられた外界へ土を求めて旅立った。 短篇ドラマ PUMZI
35 years after World War III, the “Water War”, nature is extinct. Asha is a museum curator of one of the indoor communities set up by the Maitu Council. She finds out about the possibility of life outside, when she sees a seed germinate from the old soil she had received via mail. Being denied her exit visa, Asha breaks out to the outside world to plant the growing seedling, and find the signs of life. Short Drama アフリカ・パラダイス
西暦2033年。超大国“アフリカ合衆国”が隆盛を誇る一方、EUが瓦解した欧州は紛争・疫病に悩まされる発展途上国になり果てた。祖国に絶望した仏人カップルは楽園を夢見てアフリカへ密入国を図るが、そこでも厳しい現実が…。 ドラマ AFRICA PARADIS
Europe has become underdeveloped due to economic, political crisis while Africa became a supower power as “United States of Africa”. A French couple decide to immigrate to Africa seeking for better life. From that time on their life turns upside down and they face the grim reality of immigration. Drama ■記載した上映分数は、当日のものと多少異なることがあります。 |