![]() 小ホール
(7分・カラー・DVD) アサドはぼろぼろのカバンが恥ずかしくてたまらず、弟マリックの新しいカバンを羨んで弟を置き去りにしてきてしまう。父はおしおきしようとするが、家族で“フォラ”というゲームをしている最中に事態は一変する。 短篇ドラマ FORA
(7min/Color/DVD) Assad was promised a school bag by his father, which he never got. He is so ashamed of his shabby bag that he becomes envious of his younger brother, Malik. Assad’s anger and jealousy come to a peak when he intentionally leaves Malik at school. Father tries to punish Assad, but all changes in the evening while they play a game called “Fora”. Short Drama イズルー・ラミ
(96分・カラー・DVD) 母を亡くした村の少女テンビ。形見の伝統的な手織りのゴザを、母の夢だった工芸品コンテストに出品しようと幼い姉弟だけで大都会ダーバンへ向かう旅に出る。都会にもまれながら成長し、自分自身の夢を見つけていく少女を描く。なら国際映画祭出品作品。 ドラマ MY SECRET SKY
(96min/Color/DVD) A young girl Tembi, and her little brother Khwezi, leave the rural homestead for the city to fulfill their deceased mother’s dream. Upon arrival in the city, a gang of street kids tries to cheat the little girl and boy. The story deals with the two’s struggle in the city, and with them finding their own dreams in the end. Drama ■記載した上映分数は、当日のものと多少異なることがあります。 |
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